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Y4CAP's involvement


 Y4CAP is now a registered member of Global Waste Cleaning Network UK, for the period of 12 months running from 01 July 2021 till 30 June 2022.
GWCN is a fast growing organization focused on Environment Protection & Green Energy; subjects which are of serious importance to the habitants on planet Earth. We are at the forefront of growing a solid platform and thriving network of environment and energy companies, NGOs, and institutions, both private and public; which are actively involved in environmental issues... link here


Youth 4 Climate Action Project  concerns over Japan's decision to release 1 million tonnes of water contaminated from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean.

Regional environment and climate non-Governmental organisations (N.G.O.) Youth 4 Climate action Project  have raised concerns over Japan's decision to release 1 million tonnes of water contaminated from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean. The Country Coordinator for Youth 4 Climate Action project Samoa, Jennifer Coffin told the Samoa Observer on Friday in a response to queries that the ocean has always been a part of us and who we are as a people..

Successfully done third project of #Y4CAP Through its climate education session, #y4cap & University of Eastern Philippines has built a connection to make climate change education a more central and visible part of the international response to climate change. The programmes aims was to help people understand the impact of global warming today and increase "climate literacy" among young people. It does this by strengthening the capacity of its Member and partners to provide quality climate change education; encouraging innovative teaching approaches to integrate climate change education in school and by raising awareness about climate change as well as enhancing non-formal education programmes through media, networking and partnerships.


Position Paper-Youth 4 Climate Action Project

The species conservation as important goal to keep the balance between economic and environmental development The Extinction phase in the last 50 years reflects the reality of climate change and the human impact with the existence of biodiversity in the world  Read the Full Paper

Pallawish Kumar- Founder of Y4CAP 

Planting a tree is a lifelong investment

We’re getting there. We’ve made tremendous progress in introducing natural climate solutions to the public and decision-makers in the last few years: a campaign to plant a trillion trees Check out more


Y4CAP CEO Drafts, Asia-Pacific Youth Call To Action ahead of APFSD 2021 

On 14th – 16th March 2021, 500 young people from the region created a Call to Action at the Pre-APFSD Youth Forum, held virtually over Zoom. This APFSD Youth Call to Action reflects their concerns and embodies their demand for sustainable, inclusive and human rights focused solutions for the Decade of Action. The theme for this year’s APFSD is “Sustainable and Resilient Recovery from the COVID19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacific”, and it will not be possible without young people at the forefront of accelerated transformation and action in the region. 

click here 

Online side event at the Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development

 "The Rights Path to Recovery"

A number of regional UN entities (under the UN issue-based coalition on human rights, gender equality and women’s empowerment which gathers 17 UN entities), together with the Danish Institute for Human Rights, the Asia-Pacific Forum on national human rights institutions and KOMNAS HAM, are organizing the side-event on the theme of “The Rights Path to Recovery – How countries place human rights at the center in responding and building back better”. Click here

Pallawish kumar

New advisor Mr Nitish Barole 

We're very pleased to welcome new advisor Mr Nitish Barole, He is a Development & Humanitarian Professional from India and the founder of Youth for Resilient Community. As the Regional Focal Point of DRR Working Group for the Asia Pacific, he works for the United Nations Major Group of Children and Youth (UNMGCY) to bring together youth & children groups to participate in the decision-making process regarding Disaster Risk Reduction. Currently, He is working with UNDP India as District Project Coordinator.For more than a decade, He has been working on Youth leadership & Peacebuilding at the community and national level. He is a founding member of the Coexister Global Interfaith Youth Movement and is serving as India county head.


Leadership training provided to Student Leaders and Environmental Ambassadors of Tilak High School, Lautoka. FIJI.

Youth 4 climate action project reaching its target set for next 6 months to achieve Better outcome, The students and youth of today are the business, community, organisation and government managers and leaders of tomorrow; therefore it is important to prepare them with uncluttered knowledge, skills and mind sets that will assist with their individual successes in the future. Leadership training provided to Student Leaders and Environmental Ambassadors of Tilak High School, Lautoka. FIJI."The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." . READ HERE 


Infomative Session Provided by Team Youth 4 Climate Action Project , Tilak high school Taking urgent action to tackle climate change and its impacts 

Tilak high school Taking urgent action to tackle climate change and its impacts Followed by Tree planting session.Education is an essential element of the global response to climate change. It helps people understand and address the impact of global warming, increases “climate literacy” among young people, encourages changes in their attitudes and behaviour, and helps them adapt to climate change related trends. Climate change is caused by human activities and is threatening the way we live and the future of our planet. By addressing climate change, we can build a sustainable world for everyone. PDF HERE 


Exercise by Team Youth 4 Climate Action Project , Lautoka Methodist primary school Taking urgent action to tackle climate change and its impacts 

Lautoka Methodist primary school Taking urgent action to tackle climate change and its impacts Followed by Tree planting session.'Green Footprints ' is a project launched by Youth 4 Climate Action Project with the purpose of promoting environmentally healthy living to contribute towards a greener pacific by distributing knowledge about environmental conservation, waste management, recycling, and green products among the young generation.

Youth 4 Climate Action Project Country Director Bangladesh in action,Panic isn't the thing, but awareness is.

Youth for Climate Action Project distributed free masks in different areas of Rangpur city and encouraged them to wear masks
Although thousands of people were affected by the second wave of Covid19, some unborthered people without masks were seen walking on roads and streets. To make them aware,  At the same time, we have tried to make them aware of various things to be done to deal with the situation, including wearing a mask and keeping health N covid protocol
#y4cap #Be_a_change COVID 19   See more

Y4CAP project officer Kritika Chaulagain Is taking incentives to deliver the information to the youths on climate change...

Young people can play an active role in protecting and improving the environment... They can make their homes, schools and youth organizations more environmentally friendly by adopting environmentally friendly practices, recycling of different materials as well as preserving resources such as water and electricity.
#y4cap See more

Youths & its Green Space Event # 4, May 14, 2021 Please find the event recording shared here:

The pandemic has thrown the connections between science, health, and human rights into sharp relief. In this keynote address, global Human rights experts, climate ambassador, and activists discussed important implications of COVID-19 for the right to health, civil liberties, and social justice, and offers suggestions for integrating human rights into pandemic response efforts.

#ICVAconference2021 session 4

“We call upon our governments to take targeted action. We need to act together and act now against impacts of climate change. Let youth share ideas & create policies. It's our future at risk.”- Pallawish KumarYouth 4 Climate Action Project
During the #ICVAconference2021 we have heard from #NGOs that we can't do this alone. Partners -UN, Donors, NGOs, Red Cross & other actors- need to leverage collective & collaborative action, innovative ways of working across #climate, development, peace & humanitarian sectors.
#ICVAconference2021  Link Here

good environmental practice

Youth for Climate Action. Breaking barriers | Youth and Climate Change

We can and should do more to address climate change. Reuben and Yande, from Zambia, are tired of inaction. They don't want to sit idly while the world is facing one of its biggest crisis ever. Let's spread out their message and take a stand.


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